Charles Rex

Roland Stahl
September, 2022

     Queen Elizabeth II was extremely popular with almost everyone.  Her social tact was legendary, and she maintained a regal presence above the fray of politics that endeared her to a great many people all over the world.  He son Charles, on the other hand, has quite another style.  While Elizabeth was secure and content with her role as a figurehead, the nation’s lovable grandmother, Charles has long been quite passionate about a great many political issues.  His primary focus has always been on issues related to climate and the environment.  “King Charles’ interests have ranged from tropical forests to the ocean depths, from sustainable farming practices to water security.  They began long before such concerns became mainstream.”  ~ Justin Rowlatt, Climate editor, BBC.  

     Way to go, Charlie !  I guess I can understand that, on the surface, Charles is not as lovable as his impeccable mother, but I believe that it is possible for a monarchy to have relevance, even in the twenty-first century.  According to recent tradition, the monarch must remain strictly aloof from any political issues, but I believe there is room for a re-interpretation of that tradition.  To be sure, it would not be advisable for the monarch to take a stand on specific political issues of the day, but when it comes to the Big Picture, I believe that the monarch has not only the right, but the duty to offer leadership.  The issues of climate change and our fragile environment are perhaps the most important set of crises the human race has ever faced.  I am appalled that there still remain “climate deniers” in this present day ~ persons for whom the opportunities of making profits totally eclipse their consideration for such troublesome details as the survival of the human race.  

     There is a lot of talk about the declining relevance of the monarchy, and some Commonwealth countries are reportedly considering dispensing with the archaic formality of the Monarch as Head of State.  But it seems to me that the only way for the monarchy to survive is for it to retain or acquire some important relevance, and the issues important to Charles III need all of the support and influence they can get.  If he is careful to stay on the high ground, I expect that he might restore the institution of monarchy to a continued relevance, even in today’s world.  

     On the other hand, if he feels constrained to limit his presence in the world to that of a meaningless figurehead, he might well be the last King of Great Britain (I use the term which might come back into use following the liberation of Northern Ireland ~ If they could give up India, surely they can give up Ireland).  

     Stand up for what you believe, Charles, and you may find a growing respect, influence, and support from people all over the world.  No one listens to me, but perhaps some people might listen to you.  Continue your work ~ the planet and the human race need to hear your message.

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