The Cosmic Curtain

Roland Stahl
1 February, 2025

     The state of the world continues to trouble me, and so I continue thinking along the lines of my last essay, God is Dying.  There are innumerable levels of coherence and consciousness all the way up and down.  Going up from the single human being alone, there is a unified energy field and consciousness for every family ~ first the nuclear family, and then the extended family.  Then there are unified fields of energy for every kind of group ~ school, club, work organization, political party, corporation, tribe, city, state, nation, race, religion, language ~ all of these and more, all going on simultaneously.  Go up another level and we have the entire planet, which is likewise a coherent unified energy field that is alive and conscious.  This is the level we call Gaia, and it is the most important living organism for the people of this planet, because if the health of Gaia fails, all of the lesser fields of energy below it will also fail and die, just as the heart, lungs, liver, and brain of a human being die when the whole person dies.  

     Going further up, there must be coherent, unified, and conscious energy fields for our solar system and galaxy, as well as for all the other galaxies roaming around.  Then, collectively, all of the galaxies together would make up the largest energy field we can imagine, and we might call this living energy field God.  On the other hand, the term might be reserved for yet larger coherent unities above this level, perhaps clusters of universes (on a larger scale), or further up to some final level which constitutes All that Is, the Total Universe, or Kosmos (a Greek word meaning the ultimate order of nature).  Each of these levels has a unified consciousness, and all of these levels are going on simultaneously and overlapping.  It is a Hermetic axiom that an understanding of the Macrocosm will allow a corresponding understanding of every microcosm, as they all follow the same pattern (as explicated by Hermes Trismegistos in his famous Emerald Tablet).  

     It is also possible to go down to levels below the individual human being, and consider that every organ of the body has a coherent, unified, and conscious energy field, as well as the parts that make it up, from single cells all the way down to sub-atomic particles.  We further postulate even more rarified levels beyond the smallest known sub-atomic particles, getting into regions far beyond our ken, of which the akashic field may be ultimately composed.  Just because we have no certain knowledge of these rarified fields doesn’t mean that they do not exist, and might explain much that seems beyond mysterious to us at our present primitive level of cosmic understanding.  

     I have been calling all of these coherent energy fields “conscious,” which may sound surprising to some people, but consciousness, in some form, is inherent in all forms of life.  Every one of these coherent energy fields, at every level, is alive and conscious, although varying considerably in its expression according to its level of complexity.  The implication of that means that, just as human beings have a more finely developed consciousness than plants or animals, larger energy fields, such as the planetary Gaia, would have a far more highly developed consciousness than human beings.  [In some respects, of course, the consciousness of human beings is noticeably inferior to that of plants and animals ~ as Mark Twain famously observed, “Man descended from the higher animals.”  Some obvious and notable examples might easily be taken from the current United States political establishment . . . ]  That is to say that, not only is Gaia conscious in a manner similar to that of human beings, but she is vastly more conscious in a manner impossible for mere humans with their paltry parochial consciousness to imagine, any more than a chicken can imagine what human consciousness is like.  

     One important consideration here is that every level of energy field and consciousness receives direction and influence from above, and exerts direction and influence to lower levels below.  At the same time, the accumulation of consciousness at one level also exerts influence upward to affect the higher levels above.  So, not only is the human race affected by direction from Gaia, but Gaia is negatively impacted by the compounding disastrous catastrophes currently affecting the health of the human race all over the planet.  

     Thus, to clarify what I meant when I said “God is Dying,” the human race is in the process of dying out on this planet, and all of that distress is causing the declining health of Gaia, in an infinite feedback loop, similar to an explosion, where multiple system failures cause accelerated failures at every level.  The prognosis is decidedly poor.

     Very similar conclusions are being reached by numerous persons all over the planet.  Unfortunately, by the time such realization comes to be understood by the majority of the human race, it will almost surely be too late to save the planet (if it be not already too late).  The problem is further and terminally confounded by the sorry fact that the persons of wealth and power who control the world are deriving their wealth and power from the plundering of the planet, riding the old horse until she dies, making merry the whole time.  As I have said too many times before to count, what is needed is a fundamental change that takes the direction of the planet’s evolution out of the hands of the wealthy and powerful, and into the hands of some reliable trustees who might attempt to supervise a reconstruction (resurrection ?) of our planet before the fall of the final curtain.

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